Hire Steve

Do you want to get your team energized and talking about how they can "Help Without Hustling" and take their productivity to the next level? Deliver a knockout workshop for your company, hire Steve to speak at your next event or function, and get ready for some excitement!



1.5 Hour

$10,000 + Expenses

1/2 Day


1 hour zoom webinar



Learn how to catch your own fish by the tail.

Everyone needs more referrals! Yet, most of us don't know how to get them. It takes a little understanding, a little practice, and consistent commitment to build on what you've started. The Bass‐Ackward Business Workshop is all about referrals and learning why people refer others to grow your referral foundation.

In his workshop, Steve shares stories about his life experiences that shaped his ideas about how referrals promote personal and professional growth.

From his ideas, Steve created strategies that will teach you how to build your sphere of influence to create your referral network by "helping and not hustling."

Steve will not only renew your enthusiasm for growing your business the right way but show you the endless possibilities that are waiting for you, and how to have fun doing it.

All workshops and speeches can be tailored to the audience and the time allowed.


What is holding you back from being more successful?

Napoleon Hill said that we can eliminate stress by answering the question that is in our subconscious brain. Steve's coaching classes are set up to help you answer those questions to relieve your stress!

His students learn how to help others first and foremost, without hustling them for business. Steve will teach you the easy steps to implement the most exciting referral strategy out there. There is no long term obligation – just the amount of coaching you need.

Set up your first session today!

Hire Steve Now!
This was the best speaker series I have ever attended. He was so personable, candid and genuine.

Shannon Andrews

Contact Steve

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What is Steve's Buzz?

The workshop was so useful not only as it applies to real estate, but also in a daily relationship building/strengthening aspect. It is so important, especially in this digital age, to ensure relationships are symbiotic- that both parties give and receive what they need from each other. It is so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind that is our busy everyday lives, and forget to take time to show our appreciation for one another. The suggestions you gave with systems using our iphones or ipads to start ensuring we make a habit of not only reaching out to our contacts, but building meaningful and consistent relationships with them, were very applicable. After leaving the class and reflecting, I felt it almost tied into an eastern “karmic” way of thinking, or even a Christian “Do unto others…” practice. With so many seminars preaching ways to sell yourself and nearly push yourself onto people, it’s refreshing to use the bass-ackwards approach, where the simple theory is to put good out, and hope to get good back. Simple ways to spark conversation and not talk to much about yourself (which is difficult for all of us to do at times!) were extremely helpful best practices.

I will definitely be recommending this seminar to friends and family, as I think we can all take a lot away from the teachings. I know I will be signing up for more in the future myself!

Nichole Hill

I have been attending Steve Beecham’s Coaching Class for several weeks now, and have been amazed with what he has been able to teach me.

His marketing concept has given me the tools to use the valuable resources I have right in my phone, my contacts! How to not approach them as a customer but as a friend. He has taught me to flip the scenario and build deeper relationships and listen to how I can help them rather than focus on what I am trying to sell. What
I have learned from Steve is that this type of relationship will be far more effective and longer lasting than utilizing the traditional methods that a salesperson is taught.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to learn from you. It is greatly appreciated!


While attending Steve Beecham’s coaching class now for several weeks I have a totally new perspective on relationship building in my business. I have learned that it’s not about what others can do for me, but what I can offer to them. Not by selling my product, but by listening to what the person on the other end is in need of, by making every conversation count. It’s very important to be keen on picking up on something I can bring to them which will help their situation. Eventually there will come a time where my product will come to mind for someone they may come into contact with. It’s simply listening to their needs and being able to help. Totally different approach to sales.


Thanks for including me in the workshop yesterday.

This workshop covered a comprehensive and systematic approach to building referrals for business by helping people, professionally and/or personally, without ever selling to them.  Selling often places people on the defensive.  I have no sales background or training, but as a new business owner, it is imperative that I grow my firm.  The “funnel” into my home care business is primarily through referral sources.  This workshop provides clear steps to implementing Steve’s approach to “helping without hustling”.  Steve offers great examples and stories to emphasize the key points in the workshop.  I left feeling very comfortable and confident that I can employ this approach to grow my business.


Steve Beecham is the “real deal”. It is so refreshing to have someone sincere that wants to truly help others succeed. Learning to really “go deep” and to help others with no strings attached is a refreshing way to do business. Take it from someone that has spent a lot of money on marketing programs etc. Steve’s way is not only the way to do business, but a way to live life every day. A program not to be missed.

Cindy Bowers
Solid Source Realty

In my 11+ years in real estate I have attended many seminars and heard many speakers who had the “only way to do business”.  You do not tout your “Bass-Ackward Business” philosophy as such, however I feel after having attended your seminar that it is the only way for me.  You truly want to help people, it’s that simple!  You are the real deal, Steve…you can’t fake genuine!


Julie Porter
Solid Source Realty

I wanted to take a moment and say I’m pretty sure I could listen to you speak all day. Your energy is amazing and you are full of knowledge and life experiences. I think everyone on today’s call took something away from it for their work or personal life. You have an amazing storytelling ability and I am thankful to have had the opportunity to be on today’s call.

Tonya Melita

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